Felicity Attwell
In challenging times the smallest things make the biggest impact. On Friday the 4th of April granny Felicity Attwell turned 81 years old. She lives in a frail care facility in Cape Town. With the COVID-19 lockdown this meant that she would be celebrating this milestone without her family nearby. 1st Pinelands Rover Crew Chair Laura Troost took a small step which for Felicity and her daughter Mary made a huge difference on the day. Laura ensured that the birthday girl had her slice of birthday cake!
“It is very strange to wake up on April 4th and not be executing a plan to drive to Cape Town and do something special with my mom for her birthday” explains Felicity’s daughter Mary. “She is turning 81 today and is in the category of the most vulnerable to the Coronavirus as she is in frail care. Her lungs are damaged and she is suffering from heart failure. Contracting Covid-19 would be a death sentence for her.”
“Fortunately, CPOA The Manor, where she lives, has instituted strict measures to protect their residents. For at least 10 days before lockdown no one in frail care was allowed any visitors. While this is a very necessary restriction, it can leave people feeling cut off from the outside world and their families” adds Mary. “I deeply appreciate what the SCOUTS SA Rover Crews are doing in taking groceries, and in my mom’s case birthday treats, to them. Although we won’t be able to see her, or give her a hug, the Rovers will be able to bring the message across that she hasn’t been forgotten, that she is loved, and that we celebrate her life on her birthday.”
When asked how this service makes her feel, Laura replied “A birthday is a very personal thing for granny Felicity. I love helping people and if my actions can make her smile during this time of uncertainty, then that makes my heart happy too.”
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